Title: The Association for Maine Behavior Analysis Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Research Award
Purpose: To support research that uses behavior analytic principles and methods and that is intended to promote environmentally friendly behavior change. Any project with a goal of increasing understanding of human behavior in the realm of environmental preservation or enhancement will be accepted for consideration.
Amount: Two awards of $500 each.
Eligibility: Applicants must be Certificates in good standing of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).
Application: Applicants will provide a project description that includes: (1) background or rationale for the study; (2) research question(s) and design; (3) methods/procedures to be employed; and (4) plans to disseminate the findings, if warranted. Applications should not exceed 3 pages. They should be submitted electronically to admin@mainebehavioranalysis.org.
Deadline: On going (the Executive Committee of the Association for Maine Behavior Analysis may set a deadline at its discretion).
Selection Process: The AMeBA Executive Committee, or a designated subcommittee, will review applications and select the recipients. Recipients will be notified by July 15, 2017, and recognized on the AMeBA web site.
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